Saturday, July 15, 2006

Zippin' through Zion!

We had a fun time Zippin' through Zion National Park today. We decided to park at the visitor center and use the parks free shuttle service to get around. Here are some fun pictures from the day. First picture, our kids underneath Weeping Rock.

Next... Bryan and his cousin Jo playing in the North Fork of the Virgin River which runs through the park. The picture after that is the same river looking down through the Park.

Zion National Park contains lots of formations with Biblical names. Below are two of them, "The "Great White Throne" and then the three rock mountains called "The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". Interestingly, the biblical names do not come from Christians, but from Mormons, who settled the large majority of Utah. The faded mountain behind Isaac and Jacob is called Moroni, named after the angel whom the Mormons believe gave the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith. The first place Mormons get off track is holding the Book or Mormon above the Bible. From there, they confuse many doctrines, which do not allow them to be called Christians.

"Great White Throne"
"Abraham" "Isaac and Jacob"

We only spent about 5 hours in the park, but we saw a lot in this short time and the drive out of the western exit of the park is beautiful! God's creation is amazing!

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